Gilt-edged? Investing in government securities in the times of COVID-19

The returns offered by the government bonds are moderate, but they provide secure and safe asset quality for investors with low risk appetite. Read more »
Budget 2021 agriculture

New thinking: Agriculture reforms will release Indian farmer from shackles

The three pieces of legislation may provide farmers with a range of choices in the agri-business market place by unlocking opportunities for new investments. Read more »
monetary policy impact on markets

Covid-19, monetary policy and financial markets

The study captures the impact of monetary policy changes on the real effective exchange rate, market rate on 10-year govt bonds and the NSE stock index. Read more »
Green hydrogen, harit sagar

Free trade pacts: Why India must be wary of signing more

Given the level of Chinese investments in ASEAN nations, the government should analyse firm-level customs data to monitor non-ASEAN firms using the PTA route. Read more »
MSME, recession, export

Nirmala Sitharaman asks banks to lend aggressively to boost GDP growth

The meeting discussed sectors that could benefit from loan restructuring scheme and Sitharaman asked banks to give feedback on the scheme. Read more »
Four years of GST

GST collection in August at Rs 86,449 crore

The economies of a dozen states are under strain due to non-payment of GST dues. This has forced them to cut capital expenditure and delay salary payments. Read more »
IndiaN economy, $5 trillion economy

Decoding framework of social stock exchange model in India

There is no provision for NPOs to reserve funds for unforeseen disasters. So, they need to create a pool of disaster reserve funds along with corporates. Read more »
An Indian taxpayer doing tax calculations.

Income tax assessments: Personal hearing may be needed in many cases

Faceless e-assessment is a great idea, but it is essential to offer personal hearings to taxpayers when the assessment order contains negative references. Read more »
policy circle image

Last mile reforms can galvanise income tax collections

Honouring the honest: Another area of taxation crying out for automation support and fair queuing is the one involving grant of concessions and reliefs. Read more »
Digital Personal Data Protection Bill

Income tax compliance: Rewards may work better than punishments

Covid-19 has hit tax collections, but the situation will improve in terms of both the number of taxpayers and revenue collections, once the pandemic is under control. Read more »