World Diabetes Day 2021

Comparison of Covid-19 impact on India and G7 economies

The shape of economic recovery in India and the developed nations will differ based on the economy and the way the governments respond to the coronavirus. Read more »
MSME, recession, export

RBI will resume rate cut spree sooner than later

Economists have warned a repeat of 2010 when the RBI's targeting of CPI inflation led to an industrial slowdown. They say WPI is more relevant for the industry. Read more »
India's dismal human development levels

All Inclusive Economic Development: The GDP alternative offers a better measure of progress

Gross domestic product is a narrow and an inadequate metric to capture the holistic and true value of health investment, leading to economic wellbeing. Read more »
Green hydrogen, harit sagar

RBI policy must focus on financial system stability

In the transition from lockdown to normalcy, there will be logistics problems, supply chain disruptions and market fragmentation that need to be tackled. Read more »
budget 2022 income tax

RBI must support government spending to kick-start growth

The Reserve Bank of India should pause rate cuts, must signal that it continues on the accommodative path and still has space for future cuts in policy rates. Read more »
IndiaN economy, $5 trillion economy

Inflation focus must end: RBI should cut rates by 100 bps

There are enough reasons to be optimistic – the economy had a good rabi crop, the monsoon has been good and the kharif crop is also expected to be good. Read more »

South Asia trade: India must forge close economic ties to ease regional tension

The Narendra Modi government must revive its neighbour first policy and remove tariff, non-tariff barriers to trade for prosperity and peace in the region. Read more »
Consumer protection meet Nairobi

RBI policy: A 25 basis point cut in policy rates feasible, desirable

A sharper cut in the policy rates by RBI would have been possible in August review, but for high inflation rate in the first three months of the current year. Read more »
Impact of demonetisation on Indian economy.

Fiscal policy: Surviving the economic tsunami of Covid-19 recession

India needs these fiscal, monetary and financial policy adjustments to stay afloat in the global economic crisis triggered by the new coronavirus pandemic. Read more »
india legal system

Policy and Judiciary: A vision for post-Covid India

India needs to address several problems with its policy and judiciary to convince foreign companies that it is a reliable destination for their investment. Read more »