Migrant labour exodus

Indian economy needs a booster shot, not slow medicine

The need of the hour is to stimulate demand; none of the measure contained in the Rs 20 lakh crore package will help the government achieve this objective. Read more »
IndiaN economy, $5 trillion economy

Kickstarting Indian economy without burdening government finances

A three-pronged approach towards economic recovery -- Focus on sectors that can deliver growth and jobs, easy access to finance, and tax concessions for a year. Read more »
Four years of GST

A guide to lifting of lockdown, resuming production

The government could consider constituting a high-level disaster management taskforce with expertise in analysing the socio-economic situation to offer sound advice to policy makers. Read more »
Impact of demonetisation on Indian economy.

Brick by brick: A revival plan for coronavirus-hit Indian economy

Most sectors of Indian economy are under the grip of a crisis. Naliniprava Tripathy of IIM Shillong puts together a plan to get the economy back on track. Read more »
City planning, urbanisation

Decongest cities, promote industries in villages to revive economic growth

Apart from short-term measures to mitigate economic pain of the pandemic, the government must also rethink the current development paradigm. Read more »
Chinese economy

FDI from China: India must balance strategic and economic interests

India cannot ignore its strategic interests while dealing with China, but it should not block FDI in non-strategic sectors. Read more »
budget 2022 income tax

How India lost out to China, rest of Asia in economic development race

Santosh Mehrotra interview Part II: A series of policy mishaps ensured that India’s small scale industries did not scale up to face influx of Chinese goods. Read more »
Santosh mehrotra book cover

Government must enlist experts, NGOs in fight against recession

The Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis will challenge the competence and capability of India's political and administrative leadership as never before. Read more »
Four years of GST

War on poverty: Fiscal deficit concerns should not restrict government’s response

India should come up with a substantial fiscal stimulus to save the poor and the working class from abject poverty. Read more »
India-UK FTA

WTO using Covid-19 pandemic to push expansionist free trade agenda

WTO’s attempt to liberalise medical equipment trade to favour developed countries highlights the need to reform the organisation. Read more »