climate change and the record-breaking heatwave

Heat stress will make parts of poor countries unlivable

By 2050, heat stress will make several parts of South Asia, and regions around the Persian Gulf and Red Sea uninhabitable. Read more »
Green hydrogen mission

Ukraine war: Soaring gas prices make green hydrogen a viable fuel option

The Ukraine crisis has pushed natural gas prices to record levels, making grey hydrogen more expensive that green hydrogen. Read more »
policy circle image

UNEA agreement on plastic pollution a landmark

The United Nations Environment Assembly has reached an agreement to bring in a binding global treaty by 2024 to end plastic pollution. Read more »
climate change warning

Climate change: IPCC report warns of closing window of opportunity

Without drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, several parts of the world including areas in India will become unlivable due to the impact of climate change. Read more »
single-use plastic

Marine plastic pollution: World inches towards an agreement

There are several treaties that cover marine plastic pollution, but none tackle the menace at a global level. Read more »
climate change, budget 2023, global warming,

‘Climate change mitigation needs rule-based global organisations’

The reason why we see a lot of interest in climate change is that the rich nations are now experiencing its impact, says Ameenah Gurib-Fakim. Read more »
sustainable development debate

Sustainable development: Climate change, Covid force changes in economic priorities

Sustainable development of energy and financial sectors will become the focus of economic growth discourse. Read more »
green hydrogen revolution coming

Green hydrogen prices will crash to $1 per kg by 2030: Study

Green hydrogen prices will crash below $1 per kg due to a host of factors such as economies of scale, new entrants in the market, greater automation and increased modularity. Read more »
climate finance challenge

Climate change: Focus on CO2 may hurt mitigation efforts

Nations can get better results in climate change mitigation efforts by targeting methane that has 20 times higher heat trapping ability compared with CO2. Read more »
Climate change impact on Kerala

Climate change: Kerala must invest in mitigation plans

Kerala will continue to face extreme weather events triggered by climate change and needs to work on better forecasts and long-term mitigation plans. Read more »