Climate change impact on Kerala

Climate change: Kerala must invest in mitigation plans

Kerala will continue to face extreme weather events triggered by climate change and needs to work on better forecasts and long-term mitigation plans. Read more »
climate action by travel and tourism industry

Glasgow declaration: Travel and tourism industry eyes a sustainable future

The Glasgow declaration which seeks emission cut targets is the first global commitment by the travel and tourism industry against climate change. Read more »
climate finance

COP26 draft agreement: Humanity just scored a big win

COP26 draft agreement showed sincerity towards fighting climate change, instead of engaging in meaningless rhetoric. Read more »
COP26 UN climate change conference

COP26: World will overcome anxiety about future without fossil fuels

The world will struggle to reach 50% renewables, but will hit net zero faster than committed at COP26. Read more »
Delegates struggle for an agreement at UN climate change summit

Climate change: Takeaways from draft COP26 agreement

The world leaders started COP26 UN climate change talks with a flourish, but delegates still struggling to finalise agreement. Read more »
Green hydrogen mission

COP26: Green hydrogen gets a leg up at climate change meet

Creating a green hydrogen fuel ecosystem will be a huge business opportunity worth more than $20 trillion globally, and India could be a major beneficiary. Read more »
Modi addressing cop26 climate change summit

Climate change: 2070 net zero deadline best India could offer

Narendra Modi’s announcement is a departure from India’s climate change stance that developing nations are made to pay for rich nations’ indulgence. Read more »
G20 summit on climate change, sustainable development

WMO report issues dire climate change warning

The WMO report provides a dashboard on climate change indicators such as greenhouse gas emissions, extreme weather events, sea level rise, and glacier retreat. Read more »
climate change, budget 2023, global warming,

Climate change: World must accept 2060 net zero deadline

Only a strong commitment by world leaders at COP26 summit can achieve meaningful action against climate change. Read more »
climate change and the record-breaking heatwave

India face net-zero pressure at climate change summit

At COP26, India may not commit a net-zero deadline despite pressure to adopt stricter measures to fight climate change. Read more »