Media literacy in the age of fake news.

The age of infodemic: Will a media literacy policy help?

Indian environment calls for a tweaking of media literacy to include community intervention rather than routinely introducing the subject at schools. Read more »
budget 2022 by nirmala sitharaman today

Budget 2022: An opportunity for govt, Sitharaman to break the pattern

Budget 2022 presents finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman with an opportunity to address issues that matter to millions of Indians – jobs, income and the fundamental right to lead a dignified life. Read more »
Confusion in Indian markets

Indian markets await cues from Budget 2022, Fed stance

Indian markets had a record-breaking run in 2021, but the new year was marked by volatility and confusion. Read more »
Indian economic thought is often misunderstood.

Indian economic thought: A less-understood and misunderstood legacy

Various studies of the Smriti texts, Arthashastra, Tirukkural, Sukranitisara, and Vedas reveal the depth of ancient Indian economic thought. Read more »
Green energy transition

Five issues that will shape US-India ties in 2022

US-India ties were never free from turbulence – successful stewardship from leaders is key to avoiding conflicts. Read more »
Cyber security challenges for India

Data Protection Bill: Sweeping powers to govt worrisome

The Data Protection Bill, 2021 stipulates reporting of personal data breaches within 72 hours of unearthing such violation. Read more »
the burden of Indian citizenship

Burden of citizenship: A socioeconomic reading

The amount of effort going into arousing the collective conscience will determine the extent to which all humans claim their rightful citizenship. Read more »
ancient indian economic thought

Holistic development central to Indian economic thought

There is a need to revisit ancient Indian economic thought as the world grapples with climate change and social instability. Read more »
happy new year 2022

New Year 2022: Where idealism meets inevitability

New Year 2022 will be one of large upheavals and inequality. But it will also see collective efforts to ensure that no one is left behind. Read more »
cryptocurrencies, crypto

Cryptocurrency dilemma: What history teaches us about money, assets

Prudential regulation of cryptocurrency should be done only after identifying instruments, issuers and working mechanism of trading platforms. Read more »