Summit for Democracy

Summit for Democracy owes us an explanation

Only 111 countries are invited to attend the Summit for Democracy called by President Joe Biden which means nearly half the world is not invited. Read more »

Cryptocurrency: India should go in for an outright ban

Cryptocurrency with no underlying assets cannot be legal tender or an asset class like stocks, debt paper, real estate or commodities. Read more »

Education policy: Lessons for India from Taiwan economic miracle

There are lessons for India from Taiwan miracle that has a lot to do with the country's flexible education policy that promoted technological and vocational education. Read more »
agriculture, budget 2023

Battle over farm laws may just have ended in stalemate

As the government announced the repeal of the farm laws, the farmers have raised the pitch for their core demand – a universal MSP within mandis and outside. Read more »
women officers in Indian armed forces

Gender inclusivity can help armed forces overcome manpower shortage

By recruiting women, India’s armed forces can meet the severe shortage of hands while addressing the inclusivity issue. Read more »
Impact of demonetisation on Indian economy.

Worth the trouble? Indian economy will gain from long-term effects of demonetisation

Despite the mayhem it caused, demonetisation benefited the Indian economy by triggering the growth of fintechs, techfins and gig platforms. Read more »
quality issues in social science research

Quality matters: Social science research needs national benchmarking

The mushrooming of research publications and increased allocation for doctoral fellowships are not matched by improvements in the quality of social science research in India. Read more »
why ease of doing business rankings are important

Ease of doing business: Why World Bank should exit ranking efforts

The World Bank should leave the ease of doing business ranking to universities or think tanks as there is an inherent conflict of interest in its evaluation of shareholders. Read more »
cryptocurrency bill in indian parliament

Cryptocurrency rush: Bitcoin rally forcing the sceptics to rethink

As the world sat and debated about cryptocurrency in the last few years, this asset class has gained a lot of attention and value. Read more »
sustainable development debate

COP26 summit: Humanity races against time on climate change

At COP26 climate change summit, world leaders will strive to put together adequate climate funds, a Paris Agreement rulebook. Read more »