Budget 2023 and agriculture

Agrarian crisis: FPOs is the way out for Indian farmers

Effective business models, high turnovers, sustainable cash flow, value-added products, and market access key to the success of FPOs. Read more »
Kerala economy struggling under Covid-19 impact

Kerala economy: Time for soul searching on government size, welfare schemes

The new government that will take oath in May needs to put together a nuanced agenda for the Kerala economy based on broad political consensus. Read more »
Covid-19 vaccines availability

India’s war on Covid-19 a success story of triple helix model

The economic thinking of the Narendra Modi government blends well with the triple helix model’s entrepreneurial university structure. Read more »
Covid-19 vaccine drive in India needs to be stepped up

Step up Covid-19 vaccination drive to stop the second wave

The second wave may peak in mid-April if Covid-19 vaccine is not administered to most of the active population between 18 and 45 years of age as soon as possible. Read more »
IPEF and the global economy

Foreign Trade Policy: Protectionism without strong local industry may spell disaster

Restrictive foreign trade policy without domestic competence can be a restraint as observed in the post-Covid period when industries such as tyres and pharmaceuticals suffered. Read more »
Ayushman Bharat scheme

Reimagining health: A people’s manifesto for Kerala

Kerala’s healthcare infrastructure may withstand pandemics like Covid-19, but the state lacks a transparent health financing policy based on a cost budget. Read more »
labour codes violate workers rights

Labour Codes: Imposing a new form of slavery on India’s working class

Definitions of workmen, employee, wages and allowances are used interchangeably in a manipulative way in labour codes to deprive a large section of workers of their legal rights. Read more »
Indian MSMEs

Seven policy initiatives to revive Indian MSMEs, boost GDP growth

A recovery of the Indian economy is not possible without the revival of MSMEs that can create a large number of jobs and generate consumption demand. Read more »
e-commerce policy in india

India’s fledgling e-commerce industry needs a robust policy framework

A comprehensive e-Commerce policy will offer consistency, accountability, and clarity in government actions, helping stakeholders achieve objectives such as job creation, productivity improvement, and protection of consumer interests. Read more »
GST collections soar

TechFins: Why India must stop their unregulated, untaxed run

Unregulated TechFins run by large technology firms such as Microsoft, Google, Huawei, Apple, Facebook, WhatsApp, Amazon, Alibaba, Flipkart, Airtel, and Reliance JIO can easily out-compete traditional financial services firms. Read more »