RBI monetary policy review

RBI seen retaining policy rates, accommodative stance

RBI’s monetary policy committee may choose to ignore falling credit off-take, especially the share of private corporate sector. Read more »
telecom, trai

Post-Covid recovery: RBI monetary policy must address capital depletion in MSMEs

The RBI monetary policy should keep interest rate, future guidance on monetary policy unchanged and ensure smooth credit flow to MSMEs. Read more »
India's UN Security Council presidency

UN Security Council: Demography, democracy in India’s favour

India should keep issues like Covid-19 and environment out of the UN Security Council; its global engagement should focus on achievable targets. Read more »
Kerala economy struggling under Covid-19 impact

Covid-hit Kerala economy struggles to stay afloat

Kerala economy is weighed down by the surging Covid-19 caseload and the months-long lockdown measures. Read more »
legality of NFTs, cryptocurrency in india

Uncertain future: Can NFTs survive the Cryptocurrency Bill

While India has not expressed clearly about a possible ban on NFTs, quandary over the details of the upcoming Cryptocurrency Bill have cast doubt on its potential legality. Read more »
Covid-19, JN.1 variant

Covid-19 highlighted need for strong public health system, exposed private sector

India needs to shed the profit logic that has dominated the sector in the pre Covid-19 period and reconstruct public health system. Read more »
budget 2022 priorities

Decoding depression: Educators must focus on mental health of students amid Covid-19

Positive mental health of students can only be achieved through caring and accepting children as they are. Read more »
Indian middle class

Fruit exports: Can largest producer India storm the global market

In trade negotiations with the US, UK, EU, and Australia, the Indian side must seek the removal of trade barriers and call for better market access for its fruit exports. Read more »
gender gap in education, literacy

30 years of liberalisation: What did India achieve, what it didn’t

By KP Vipin Chandran Economic liberalisation — A scorecard: India’s economic reforms and the successful policies of economic stabilisation and structural adjustment came as reaction to the balance of payments crisis in... Read more »
mandatory hallmarking of gold jewellery

Mandatory hallmarking key to ensuring consumer protection, but challenges remain

Mandatory hallmarking is tough to achieve as many centres suffer from low profitability, poor equipment, slack processes, and use low-quality equipment to cut costs. Read more »