widows in india face unseen problems

Widows in India: Invisible women facing invisible problems

International Widows Day reminds us of the opportunity for action towards achieving full rights and recognition for widows in India. Read more »
All corporate decisions linked to ESG targets

Tax, investment and salaries in an ESG focused world

The driving forces in the new world will be inclusion, equity, diversity and comprehensive availability. All corporate decisions will be linked to ESG outcomes. Read more »
Kerala economy struggling under Covid-19 impact

Kerala’s Coastal Zone Management Plan 2019 raises anxieties – old and new

Participation of communities and local self-governments, scientific studies, and political will are needed for framing a successful Coastal Zone Management Plan for Kerala. Read more »
crisis communication challenge

A crisis communication playbook as Bay of Bengal turns into the womb of cyclones

The most successful crisis communication strategies begin with accepting that there is a problem, showing the face of leadership, and giving regular updates on what is being done. Read more »
EU's CBAM to hit Indian exports

Cartel at work? Steel prices skyrocket amid economic crisis

Earlier this year, MSME minister Nitin Gadkari had flagged the issue of cartelisation, saying producers are jacking up cement and steel prices despite static input costs. Read more »
indian railways to get 4G spectrum

4G spectrum will help Indian Railways step up safety, security

Indian Railways will use 4G spectrum to implement ATP system to prevent accidents and upgrade its communication network, bringing a paradigm shift in its operations. Read more »
public health spending in budget 2023

Hard lessons: Layers of government must work in tandem to beat Covid-19

The government must channelise all its management and financial resources to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic before the third wave strikes India. Read more »
universal pension way to go for India

Elder abuse cases on the rise as ageing population lack access to justice

Prevention of elder abuse is possible as many strategies have been identified to prevent abuse, take action against it and mitigate its consequences. Read more »
India's foreign exchange reserves cross $600 billion

Foreign exchange reserves surpass $600 bn; What does it mean to Indian economy

India’s foreign exchange reserves may not be built on a strong foundation as 61% of its external debt is of short-term nature and will mature in a year. Read more »
g7 summit's green belt and road initiative

G7 to launch ‘green belt and road’ plan to counter China

The green belt and road initiative by the G7 summit is seen as an effort by the Western powers to retain world leadership in an era of increasing Chinese influence. Read more »