Sif Island discovery altering world map.

Global warming: Melting Antarctica ice reveals uncharted island

Researchers chanced upon the island last week while patrolling the coast of the Pine Island Glacier and named it Sif Island. Read more »
climate change, Bonn Climate Change Conference

G20 agrees on risks to global economy from climate crisis

The Paris Clime agreement has set stiff targets for carbon emissions to limit global warming due to human activities, but the developed nations are accused of taking policies inconsistent with the policy... Read more »
climate change, global warming threat

Human life as we know is threatened: JP Morgan report

Climate change could result in water crises, famine, displacement and migration, and could spark off political stress, conflict. Read more »
New coronavirus could

Children of the world facing existential threats, says study

At least 250 million children under five years of age in low- and middle-income countries are at risk of not attaining their developmental potential. Read more »
Is a mass extinction event on currently?

Climate change: 30% plants, animals may go extinct in 50 years

The study by University of Arizona researchers may be the first to assess the extinction patterns using recent climate-related data and the movement of species. Read more »
UN game for climate action

UN launches campaign to assess public opinion on global warming, climate change

The survey will be done through an internet and mobile-based video game in which players act as climate policymakers trying to limit global warming. Read more »
Greenland ice sheet vulnerable to global warming and climate change

Climate change: Indian monsoon among nine tipping points

British website Carbon Brief says changes will be gradual, but the fragile climate and ecological systems could change dramatically and irreversibly. Read more »
Will chinstrap penguins go extinct?

Climate change: Chinstrap penguin population down 77%

The researchers who recorded the dramatic decline in chinstrap population, found a remarkable increase in the population of gentoo penguins. Read more »
climate change causing extreme weather events

Climate change: Ocean currents are moving faster than earlier

More than two-thirds of the world’s oceans are speeding up, energised by faster winds, says a scientific study. Read more »
Melting of Antarctic ice sheet is a concern

Global warming: Antarctica records hottest day ever

The Antarctic Peninsula has warmed almost 3°C in the last 50 years. The annual loss of ice from the Antarctic ice sheet has jumped at least six-fold since 1979. Read more »