sex work legalised by supreme court

Explainer: Supreme Court ruling recognises sex work as a legal profession

A three-judge bench of the Supreme Court ruled that sex workers were entitled to dignity and equal protection under the law, saying they shouldn't be harassed or penalised by the police. Read more »
Rising monkeypox cases across the world

‘India ‘should produce smallpox vaccines to combat monkeypox’

Maintaining good immunity and keeping any comorbidities under control is important not only during pandemics, but at all times, to combat new infections like monkeypox. Read more »
vikram s, isro, who launched vikram s, Skyroot Aerospace

Explainer: India-US space situational awareness agreement 2022

The India-US space situational awareness agreement will complement India's deterrence efforts vis a vis China and Pakistan. Read more »
capital market may crash

Capital market reforms may help ease pain of global crisis

The capital markets are bracing for a global recession, a price the world may pay for governments’ failure to act decisively to contain inflation. Read more »
Income tax, budget 2023

Indian economy: War on inflation will warrant sacrifices

The high wholesale prices will be passed on to consumers in the next few months which could devastate the Indian economy, irrespective of the assurances by policy makers. Read more »
World Health Assembly opens

World Health Assembly: Focus on food safety, oral health, tuberculosis, innovations

The theme of World Health Assembly, Health for Peace, Peace for Health is timely and appropriate for a world ravaged by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine conflict. Read more »
Ayurveda Aahara classification conerns

Ayurveda Aahara: New food category raises safety concerns

Ayurveda Aahara classification presents a major challenge to food sovereignty by ignoring the quality and safety of food. Read more »
mining industry

Mining output should be left to demand-supply dynamics

The government should take a relook at the stringent mining output norms set to ensure adequate supply during the pandemic crisis. Read more »
PMGkAY, wheat price

Wheat export ban: Farmers suffer financial losses, and India a loss of face

The wheat export ban was the result of wrong assessment of wheat crop, lack of coordination between ministries, and delays in decision making. Read more »
global economy facing recession

Runaway inflation may leave RBI with Hobson’s choice

S&P cuts growth projection to 7.3%, raise inflation estimate citing high global commodity / energy prices. Read more »