Naushad Forbes on unemployment crisis in India

‘India’s unemployment crisis an opportunity to create an economic miracle’

Unemployment in India stood at 8.1% in February 2022. The biggest single driver of growth and prosperity is the movement of people from lower productivity jobs into higher productivity occupations. We have... Read more »
tourism industry

Kerala economy can learn from Sri Lankan economic crisis

The policymakers in Kerala economy must learn from the Sri Lankan crisis as both the economies are similar on many counts. Read more »
facebook and climate change denial

Facebook algorithm promotes disinformation on climate change: Study

Facebook serves disinformation to climate change sceptics, pushing them to communities that oppose climate action, says study. Read more »
link between inflation and fuel pricing

Courting trouble: Inflation and politics of fuel pricing

Cuts in excise duties can contain inflation to a certain extent, giving the Reserve Bank of India some headroom to support growth in the monetary policy review next week. Read more »

Tracing Sri Lanka economic crisis to mindless liberalisation, fancy projects

Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has its roots in wasteful investment in infrastructure projects, and overdependence on remittances and service sector revenues. Read more »
Hydrogen fuel cell cars

Hydrogen fuel cell cars make small gains amid EV surge

Hydrogen fuel cell cars have failed to notch up impressive sales figures because of the high price tag and the absence of refuelling infrastructure. Read more »
UPI123Pay to enable offline payments on feature phones

Financial inclusion: UPI123Pay makes digital payments without internet possible

The RBI and NPCI launched UPI123Pay in March to enable offline payments on feature phones without internet access. Read more »
Ukraine war and global economy

Ukraine war: Rising crude oil prices may spell doom for world economy

A prolonged Ukraine war may warrant fiscal support to the most vulnerable sections of the world population to cope with rising cost of living. Read more »
India's labour codes and labour reforms

Missing facts: Labour reforms debate in the context of India’s 4 labour codes

The discussions on labour reforms in India veer around the subject of labour market flexibility in relation with the Industrial Dispute Act 1947 and the four labour codes that await implementation. Read more »
International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness: Why happiness and wellbeing count more than income

International Day of Happiness is an occasion to re-examine the development metrics that measure just income or output. Read more »